The Transitive Properties of Peanut Butter and Mint

One of my friends mentioned that his ideal ice cream would be chocolate with peanut butter and mint, but I wasn’t convinced.

I know that if A=B and A=C then B=C.

But I wasn’t so sure it would work for ice cream. Just because chocolate goes with peanut butter, and chocolate goes with mint doesn’t mean that peanut butter would go with mint.


When said friend invited me over to watch Argo in their building’s private screening room, I figured it was a good time to test the ice cream theory. (And a word of off-topic advice: make friends with people who have private screening rooms in their apartment buildings. it’s amazing.)

The chocolate ice cream is the same recipe as the one I used for Exploding Chocolate Surprise. I had forgotten just how chocolatey it was. If I remembered, I would have toned it down. I thought it was too chocolatey.


For what it’s worth, I was overruled by everyone else at the movie.

For the chips, I used a little more than a half a cup of peanut butter chips and a little less then a half a cup of mint chips. And then since I had them, I threw in some chocolate chips for good measure. I had originally planned to use a half of cup of each, but after pouring out a half a cup of each, I tasted them together and felt that the mint totally overpowered the peanut butter. Even with my unscientific adjustments, I still felt the mint was too strong.


Again for what it’s worth, I was overruled by everyone else at the movie.  At least I have the Academy behind me when I saw that Argo was awesome.

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2 Responses to The Transitive Properties of Peanut Butter and Mint

  1. Eric says:

    It was definitely better than she implies…

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